Back To School Plumbing Tips

Back To School Plumbing Tips - MedLock Services LLC

Now that school is back in session, the mornings can become hectic. In a school aged home with working adults, the competition to use the restroom can get a little crazy. During this adjustment of getting back into the school routine, we have some plumbing tips for you!

Shower Times:

Staggering shower times can be helpful in reserving hot water. The last thing you want is to hop in the shower and the water be cold. Assigning morning and night shower times can help prevent you from running out of hot water.

Tub/Shower Drains:

Speaking of increased showers / baths – the drains are also more likely to get clogged with soap and scum as well as hair. If you notice your shower/tub drain is draining slower than normal. Give us a call and we would be happy to get the drains clear and flowing for best results.


With kids back in school, you already know that you’ll at least have an extra load of laundry per week! Routine maintenance on your laundry machines is always a great idea. Some helpful tips would be to always clean the lint trap in the dryer and checking the hoses for any cracks and confirming connections. The laundry hoses should be replaced every couple of years to ensure proper operations. Laundry drains also can get clogged with soap and debris and using an auger would be the best way to clear those drains.