Tips on getting your home ready for Thanksgiving

For us plumbers Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is also a busy day for us! If you’re hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year, there are a few things to keep in mind and I have some tips for you!

Make Sure Your House Is Ready

Homeowners tend to forget some of their plumbing needs until a busy weekend at their house such as Thanksgiving. By the time you realize you need a professional plumber you might already have guests over. Our recommendation is that in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving have a plumber come out and evaluate that everything is running and working properly.

Disposing Grease Properly

Cooking often comes hand in hand with grease and grease can call for trouble especially if it gets put down you drain. If you put grease down your drain, it will eventually become solid and create a clog so, make sure you are disposing grease properly!

Your Garbage Disposal is Not a Trash Can

When preparing meals for a large gathering of people it’s often that numerous food ends up down drain such as:

Potato skin




Make sure to stay cautious of what is going down your drain before you end up with a clogged kitchen sink!

Don’t Flush Toiletries Down The Toilet

During holidays a lot of time people are traveling from out of town to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Keep in mind that wet wipes, napkins, paper towels, feminine products, etc. go in the trash can instead of down your drain.

Craig Johnson Plumbing wishes everyone a great Thanksgiving filled with lots of love and delicious food!