Storm Drains

Wasn’t that last rainstorm crazy!

Now that it has past – this is the time to get your storm drains cleared before the next storm!

A storm drain is also known as a storm sewer which is a drainage system designed to drain excess rain or surface water from surfaces like roofs, sidewalks, parking lots and streets through undergrounds pipes into streams or rivers. Unlike sewer lines, storms drains drain the water without it being treated in a sewage treatment plant.

In most homes, homeowners use gutters to collect rainwater from their house and use gutter downspouts to drain out the water.

Image result for gutters/ storm drain

It is important to keep these drains clear and flowing especially before a storm because if they are full of debris there will be a clog and the water will not be able to drain throroughly which can cause a variety of other issues within the home.