What does a gas leak smell like and what to do if you have one

There are millions and millions of people who have natural gas or liquid propane in either residential or commercial buildings. It sounds crazy, but did you know the best indication of a gas leak is when you smell “rotten eggs”. Often times the utility providers will add a rotten egg smell to the gas to make it easier for the homeowner to detect a gas leak. However, sometimes gas leaks could have no smell at all.

If you can’t smell a gas leak, another way to determine that something is wrong with your gas is if:

There is an odor or strange noises coming from your oven or even if your food isn’t turning out the way it should.

If there is an outdoor gas leak there will potentially be gas bubbles forming puddles onto the ground.


If you suspect that you may have a gas leak:

Don’t use or open any type of flame / burner, evacuate from your home or commercial building and do not smoke.

Gas leaks are very serious and cause significant damage. Once you are in a safe place, call us! We are able to locate and repair gas leaks.